Sunday, June 12, 2011

† WING Blade † (A Novel)

Copyright © 2011 of James Pettis, III

† WING Blade  is the first novel in my book series † WING Blade . It introduces a new world known as Utopia and introduces the main characters Zachary Harris (Zach D), Clyde Evans, Jr. (Blaze), Aquanette Rose (Aqua), Alicia Harris (Alyss), and Richard Portman (Raze).

Zachary Harris, Clyde "C.J." Evans, Jr., Aquanette Rose, Richard Portman, and Alicia Harris (Zachary's little sister) are five friends that live in West Virginia. The five play together and pretend they are superheroes saving their imaginary world, Utopia. But what was just an imagination comes to life when a terrible storm sweeps them away to the real Utopia. Once there, the five take on the form of their "alternate egos" and begin training in combat with Emaaz (master of swordsmanship) and Master Yoshi (master of all combat and defense). The five then quickly learn that evil is rising in Utopia and it is up to them to stop it before Utopia becomes corrupted by darkness. Join Zach D (Zachary), Blaze (Clyde), Aqua (Aquanette), Raze (Richard), and Alyss (Alicia) as they battle evil and find out who the wielder is of the most powerful weapon of all... the WING Blade.

† WING Blade  consists of 19 chapters (excluding the preface).
The Table of Contents will consist of the following:

Preface: A Shattered World
Chapter 1: A Great Adventure
Chapter 2: Tragedy Comes
Chapter 3: A New World
Chapter 4: New Identities, New Abilities
Chapter 5: Reunited
Chapter 6: The Wielder of the WING Blade
Chapter 7: Training Begins
Chapter 8: Evil
Chapter 9: Your Mission / Journey Begins
Chapter 10: The Valley of Grace
Chapter 11: Traveling Onward
Chapter 12: Welcome to Westport
Chapter 13: Change of Fate
Chapter 14: Finding the Dragon
Chapter 15: Destination Ethiopia
Chapter 16: Believe in the Power
Chapter 17: Final Bout
Chapter 18: Restored
Chapter 19: A Returning Evil

This Story has been extremely fun to come up with (along with the series it's self). I am looking forward to writing this book and I hope others will enjoy reading it. Stay posted for more info about † WING Blade †.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Welcome to † WING Blade †

Copyright © 2011 of James Pettis, III

Welcome to WING Blade , the blog for my new Book Series. This blog is going to get you information about WING Blade that you won't get from Inside the Mind of a Creator. I will be posting various locations that will appear in the series and backgrounds of the locations, character art and bios, weapons used in the series, various creatures that will appear in the series, and info about all twelve of the books in the series. It is about six young children that have imagined an alternate universe that has now come to life and they must use their alternate egos (and abilities) to stop evil from taking over. For those who haven't read what the series is about, here is the synopsis.

Utopia, a once beautiful home for a group of children, has been shattered into pieces and is corrupted by the darkness that demolished it years ago. The chosen children of Utopia were sent to planet Earth to be protected from the darkness that would soon destroy their home. Though the darkness was sealed with the power of the WING Blade, the darkness returned. The darkness soon finds out their whereabouts, and sends a thunderous storm that sweeps them all back to the world they were born. Now the children have taken on the physical appearance of teenagers and become WING Blade Fighters of Utopia. But when the forces of darkness begin to rise, the group of young teens must use their new found abilities and defeat the forces of evil and restore Utopia.

This book series has been very fun to come up with and I hope others will like it. The series will have a large amount of novels that puts the saga together (some of which will be released in the UK only). Stay posted for more info about the † WING Blade † series.